Internet Marketing Performance Indicators

Accurate KPI tracking is vital to achieve a good return on Internet Marketing investments. Not using the indicators is like seeing the road, but not knowing where to go. Wouldn’t it be more useful if we helped you with a clear map?
KPI – Key Performance Indicators
– Promotion is measured in numbers.
These indicators, KPI, are ‘linked’ to the objectives you want to achieve, as that is precisely what they do: they show you where you are in reference to the objectives that you set. This is also the rapport that we shall present in this material. Some of these indicators can influence several objectives in the same time.
Objective: Increase Brand Visibility by means of Internet Marketing
KPI 1 – Number of unique visitors on the website.
‘Injecting fresh blood’ is an important target of any serious Internet Marketing campaign. The more you manage, each and every month, to add visitors to your website that had never been to your website before, the more you secure an enhancing visibility of the brand you are promoting.
KPI 2 – Subscriptions to receive newsletters, articles, brochures etc.
The contact details you get are extremely valuable, but just as valuable is the unique chance each subscription give you to enhance the visibility of your brand.
KPI 3 – Number of those returning to your website.
Loyalty and attachment to the content of the website is transferred to the brand, as well. We must thus give these people reasons to come return to your website.
KPI 4 – The time spent by visitors on the website.
A website with a rich, relevant and well-maintained content conveys dynamism, quality and connection to the realities of the market segment that it is built for. Al these are positively transmitted to the brand image..
KPI 5 –Social Media Presence.
The more present your brand is on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ etc the better its visibility is.
Objective: Increase Sales by means of Internet Marketing
KPI 1 – Conversion rate
How many visitors have been turned into buyers? When your objective is to increase sales, a higher traffic that does not turn into higher sales won’t do the trick for you.
KPI 2 – Search engine ranking position.
There is a direct and proven connection between a higher Google ranking and higher sales.
KPI 3 – Social media presence.
The more present your brand is on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ etc the higher the chances for better sales.
KPI 4 – Cost per sale (sale).
A very good indicator to measure the return on investment.
KPI 5 – Cart Abandonment Rate
Vital indicator for online shops. It will show you where the problems are on the customer’s itinerary towards finalizing and order.
This has been a short list of the Internet Marketing indicators most used by us to achieve the two objectives. Your business may include other types of objectives, as well. Therefore, specific indicators may occur. Moreover, it is important to know what promotion platforms these indicators provide for you. Contact us to get the support you need.
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